This will also show you whether you need to Special Database set up new campaigns or whether you need to adjust current campaigns to achieve the desired result. 2. Are you using a new campaign or are you deploying your optimized campaign? You have already put a lot of time and effort into optimizing your always on campaign. Finally Special Database you have found the right target group, the right keywords and the right message. The performance has gotten better and better. And now that the holidays are approaching, you are faced with an important choice. Are you going to use the always on campaign for the holidays or are you going to set Special Database up a separate campaign?
It can be a good choice to temporarily Special Database use your always on campaigns for your campaigns around the holidays. You have already achieved a very good match with your target group, bidding strategy and performance in these campaigns. If you create a new campaign for a temporary promotion, the performance will Special Database probably be lower. It is a new campaign, so you still have to go through the learning curve to make the campaign profitable. And you simply don't have that time since you want to catch up on the holidays. Also read: Optimizing your social media campaigns: keep experimenting If you are going to follow the holidays with Special Database always on campaigns, change your current campaign as little as possible.
Especially if you use automated bidding Special Database strategies. Only adjust the message of your ads and the landing pages you use. Your keywords and target groups must remain as they are in order to achieve maximum return. There are several ways to get involved with ads: In Google Ads you can use a count down Special Database timer in your ads. Think of '2 more days and 1 hour of unique Christmas offers'. You can schedule your ads to deliver a unique message at different times and days. This is useful if you want to respond in the run-up to Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas, New Special Database Year's Eve and on the days themselves.